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Financial Videos

As a financial advisor, our videos are about sharing knowledge and tips to help you retire with confidence and peace of mind to a life YOU love.

Education is vital for financial planning success, and we like to share our knowledge through videos.

Whether you feel confident you are on track financially or just starting to think about your financial future, our videos are designed to be relevant and informative for everyone.

Longevity Risks in Retirement Thumbnail

Longevity Risks in Retirement

The good news is that retirees are living longer. The bad news? Many aren’t planning for it financially. Some estimates suggest that you could spend up to 30 years in retirement! With longer lifespans, retirement strategies need to evolve!

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Retirement Age Milestones

I want to share 3 lesser-known retirement age milestones that you don’t want to miss. These occur at ages 50, 65, and age 73.

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Protect Yourself From AI Fraud

To protect yourself from AI-driven fraud, you must first understand what's out there. Let's walk through some of the biggest frauds like Phishing, Imposter Scams, Tech Support, Grandparent Scams, Deepfakes, and Malware.

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Relocation in Retirement

Planning to move after retirement? 40% of today's workers are. But it's crucial to ask some key questions before making the leap.

What is a Backdoor Roth IRA? Thumbnail

What is a Backdoor Roth IRA?

Roth IRAs offer tax-free growth and tax-free withdrawal in retirement, but there are income limits. Backdoor Roth IRAs help us work around that. It's completely legal and high earners use it to contribute to Roth IRAs indirectly.
